Shiloh's Walking Update

Hubby was asking me if our DD is already showing of walking interest. I guess a small interest is an understatement. I can say that she is much more a handful now because she wants me to hold her all the time so I can aid her to walk. If I sat in front of the computer she will tug at my legs and try to reach for my hands. Right now she can stand unaided for a good minute or so. I can pull up her pants while she is standing up making it easier now to change her.

Lately I tried holding just one hand and let her walk in my yoga mat barefoot. She's doing good with it although she tends to walk fast and sideways. When I let her stand unaided and encourage to make few steps, she was able to do a step forward. It's a very awesome feeling watching her trying her best to learn and I am very proud of her. I know she is ready to do more steps and we are on to have her achieve this milestone.



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