Flat Tired

Father and daughter are both flat tired right now so I am able to do some work online. Hubby still has cough and colds but he said he is feeling better now than the past two days. Our DD on the other hand is getting better. She don't have fever anymore and hopefully tomorrow I can give her a bath already. The only thing now is her colds which I hope would really fade away so she will not feel uncomfortable. She really have trouble when I am breastfeeding her because her nose is so stuffy she can't breath while nursing. I am just glad she is now peacefully asleep and did not give me a hard time just like the other night.



Anonymous said...

ohh sorry to hear about your hubby.

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Anonymous said...

hi bless, just as the wife and mother of the household, you take care yourself. your husband and kid need you strong and fit.

Anonymous said...

Just dropping by to say hello. It's been a while since my last visit here...

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

hmm its been awhile since I've dropped by.. hoping for your family to get well.. hop hop..

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