Be Ready

One of the important discussion during the briefing for hubby's four weeks training was about preparing the documents that the spouse may need in case of emergency. These includes, wills, power of attorneys, insurance policies, copies of personal, financial and pertinent documents. When we got home after the briefing, I asked hubby to take out the documents and we will go through it making sure we have everything in one place before he leave. Good thing all our documents and POAs are current and the will is still in effect. I asked him how about me getting a term life insurance separate from the insurance to which I am attached in his job as a military. He told me I can make a research on it and if it is applicable to me then I can get one if I want to. I just want to be ready for what may happen in the future. We can't predict what can occur but at least we can prepare for it. So, now I am going to do my research and get term life insurance quotes online to see how much will it cost me to get a term life insurance. I am hoping I can get a service that is easy in the pocket so it will not be too much of a burden to pay every month.



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