We are going back to school again. Yes, me and hubby are in school. My husband has been in school eversince I got here though he took online classes only due to his job in the military. But right now we are both enrolled in our community college. And also he's in a month and a half military school program, Advance Non-Commission Officers Course (ANCOC) starting today. That means he will be in a classroom for approximately 16 hours every MTWTh except Fridays. That's too much lecture there, huh!
For myself I have 2 classes to attend to every Mondays and Wednesdays and am pregnant. But I believe I can handle it well. Our college classes will end on March 21 so that is 2 months shy of my due date. Then for spring quarter I will just enroll in an online classes so I will just stay at home. I will juggle home, work and school which I know would be meeting stress along the way but I am preparing myself for that.
Last fall quarter I started attending school here and so far everything work out well. My program right now is Medical Coding and hopefully I will be able to finish it this first summer quarter. But all my subjects/courses gears towards the Nursing program. I took Medical Terminology and Anatomy & Physiology 1 last quarter which I got both A's (score!). My husband is so proud of me.
Now I am taking Business 101 and Anatomy & Physiology 2. Bus 101 I joked hubby that it is Business 101 for dummies :-). My Ana and Phys is a continuation. They split it in two since it covers a whole lot of subjects and in no way it can be finished for just 3 months. I am praying and try my very best to do well this quarter.
good for you that you are back to school. i want to stay away from school as much as i can.
Wowow, you go girl! Study jud while you can. Good luck din kay hubby.
Bless, congratulation on the pregnancy! You and hubby must be very excited to see your little angel. Take it easy. ~_^
Congratulations for the A's and for the coming baby. Hope everything is fine with your pregnancy! Take care!
Halo marengkay muzta na ang buntit :)
wow busy kanunay. ayo ayo usab kanuany diha.
Bless, I am glad I came here in your payag today and read a great news. Congratulations !!! so you are due sa May? sa April ko. Naghilom hilom lang diay ka diha ha. I actually just finish school last December and decided not to enroll anymore this semester kay we felt like it was too much for me. And also by the time na mag labor ko hahahaha, naa pa mi class. Wala wa nalang. Maghearing pa ko ug mag adjust before ko balik. So happy for you. I am 28 weeks na. Ryan is getting so excited. It amazes him so see how I have grown and kisses my belly everynight. Take Care Bless !!!
Hi Bless, preg ka na pala ha, congratulations! Do you know what you are having ba? Anyway, still in school pa kamo dyan, working hard talaga kayong dalawa. You surely are a busy couple, daghan i-joggle. Anyway, ako wala ko naka schooling, basin someday nalang. I moved to a new blog diay, so I thought I'd make my rounds para ma updated ang lahat. Ok, take care.
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