Initiating to Crawl

Our DD is already 5 months old and she gets more active everyday. Playing with her is always fun because she is already attentive. Now that she is active we can't leave her anymore unattended. She is quick to roll over. What we are trying to learn her to now is to crawl. We followed what the baby books and other Moms have said to have her toys away from her so when she roll over she will try to reach out for the toys thus initiating her to move towards it. I've seen that she is pushing herself to crawl but her movements is not synchronized yet. When she pushes her legs her arms only stretches out. She'll turn around and at will end up her being frustrated. I know she'll get to it. We are very just glad she is developing normally.



Mommy Lutchi said...

so cute...sos dalia ra gyud modako ang bata diri...murag feeling naku bag-o lang ka nanganak Bless....musta naman?

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