Tank Top Dress for Summer

When we go to Hawaii this summer the older daughter will be coming with us. It is her first time to be there and she's very excited. Her Daddy told her not to bring too much stuff since we will only be there for four days and three nights. I told her for sure we will have a day to spend at the beach. She then said she will only bring light clothes fit for summer and Hawaiian weather :-)

While I surfed at stylehive.com I saw this nice American Eagle dress that I thought is perfect for her. She can wear it while we drive around the island and stopped at nice scenic spots for picture taking. The design of this dress spells out comfort and lightness. I know the temperature there on that month will be hot and sunny and it is best for us to wear comfortable clothes. I will have to forward the link to her so she can see it and decide if she will like it or not. I really found lots of nice stuffs at Style Hive and it's very good to know that there's a site like this to check out new trends fit for the season.



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