Mommy and Daughter on the Slide

Two weekends ago, we brought our daughter to the park. It's a big park but mostly you can see are slides for little ones and older ones. This park is situated near a lake and there's a big grassy area if you want to lay your blanket and soak under the sun.

Since our DD is still tiny to hop on the slides, I told hubby we can slide together. The slide I chose was high and straight one. I was afraid to do it at first coz it's really high. So we went on. Our DD was wriggling on my lap I had a hard time settling her. Both my hands were holding her that I forgot to hold on to the sides of the slide. We zoomed down the slide and before I knew it we both flew off to the ground. Good thing, hubby was standing right below blocking the concrete retainer wall. If he wasn't there it would be a disaster.

I was shaken but laughing at that experience. It does show that it's been ages I had played in the park that sliding is kinda hard to do :-) Hubby teased me afterward. He said we were like rockets that just zoomed down from the skies :-) Lesson learned, I need to have more practice playing slides and use the curvy slides next time lolz



Joe-ann said...

With kids we really need to be fit, kay lisod ug apas.=)

W-a-H-M said...

Ay naku Bless...kaya ako I won't go on those slides. I'd be freaking out. It's always the Dad who would go with her on the slides.

Yep, you need to have some practice para next time you'll slide on those like a pro.

Have a great week.

Mommy J

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