Grocery Saving

One of my goals for this new year is to save more. Yeah, SAVE, SAVE and SAVE. Our family is growing and I need whatever savings I can get for our future. So I started with cutting on our grocery costs. I am using coupons when I go to the store but reading blogs and hearing real stories about saving more on your grocery shopping, I got inspired. I only need to follow a strategy and proper planning when going to the store. Make a list, stick to the list and use manufacturer coupons, store coupons and take advantage of more savings when you are a preferred customer. Combining all these can really cut your grocery cost.

My first attempt this year was yesterday. I already blogged this in Blessie's Finds so I'll just post here a little summary.

The store I went to was Albertsons.

My total grocery cost was $85
My savings was $34.31
Out of Pocket was $50.69

Next time I will try to lower it more and have a savings of more than 50% of what my total cost is. It is kinda challenging for a frugal shopper savvy wannabe :-) but I know I can make it since other's can why can't I? :-)



Pearl said...

wow! that's really a very nice way to start the new year... keep it up! I'm also overhauling the way I do the budget at my house, so, we're both in for a rough road ahead, but i'm sure, in the long run, it will pay off...

Heather said...

That is a really good start. When you get a decent stockpile you can stop shopping awhile!

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**"Liza"** said...

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