Shiloh's 4 Months Milestones

Everyday is a new beginning if you have a budding little angel in your household. With our Darling Daughter we look forward everyday to see what is new with her. As 4 month old she is on track with her development. Let me recap what she can capable of doing as of now:

- Can hold her head when you held her up.
- Can bear weight when you let her stand but only for a couple of minutes.
- Can grab and bat at toys as well as my hair.
- She coos and laughs continuously. Sometime will give a hearty laugh when you play with her.
- Can sit when you support her but not for long
- She can roll to her tummy. Though she seem afraid to do it all the time.
- She enjoys playing her toys now.
- She learned the art of thumb sucking. But I always pull it away from her mouth. I don't want her to develop that habit.

I made a past entry when she was at 14 weeks old. Those milestones were more improved right now. Below are some pics I took this last few days:

Up close - i'm purple princess

Patiently waiting for Mom and Dad for church. While at church she's really behave. I hope and pray she'll always be.



Neis Family said...

She is very pretty I love her dress. That is good that she can sit up for a little bit. My daughter was also doinh that at five and a half months old.

Raquel said...

She is a darling. Enjoy while she's still young, they'll grow up quick.

Mommy said...

She looks so lovely ang bilis ng panahon 4 months n sya

Anonymous said...

she is really very cute, bless.....

cute kaayo uy....

thanks for sharing her 4 mos. old pics....

mora siya ug monyeka sa?

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute Shilo bless! Dali ra sya nidako oi! Keep on listing gyud sa iyang developments. That's the only way you can track up when you look back.

Bless said...

@ Vickyneis - hello vick thanks for the comment. yup she's starting to pull her head up not leaning on the backrest as well. She's an explorer :-)

@ Raquel - Thank you mads! Lagi we have to enjoy it jud kay dili na raba mabalik :-)

@ Sarah - Thank Mommy Sarah! Oo nga dali dali ng panahon. Our babies grows like a weed :-)

@ vk - Thank you madam vk sa compliment.

@ Dauphine - Thanks Dauph. Lagi we have to list it jud kay aron naay mabasa when they are big na :-)

Merydith said...

Sos kadako na jud sa imong gamay titoy diha perti ra ba ka cute. Na notice ba nimo Bless na observant siya? Si Frankie grabe. Magsabak ko niya unya mag type kong dili ko makabantay maghilabot-hilabot sad sa keyboard. Or when he sees me using the mouse mao sad iyang gusto i-grab sunod. Dako na gyud atong mga babies.

Bless said...

@ merydith - lagi in dali ra jud nagrubo. observant jud mga bata ay. si shiloh ako sab patuplokon sa keyboard kay mokab ot man. ganahan niya birahon akong buhok :-)

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