Reborn Babies

Have you heard about reborn babies? I saw this when we were still in Georgia. I was working and when this customer came in with her daughter I saw the daughter carrying something, like a baby. When suddenly it fell on the floor. My heart jumped because I thought it's a real baby. Glad it was only a doll. It really looked real. I even touched it and cuddle it.

This reborn babies as what they call is gaining more popularity. On Monday, if I am not mistaken, there were ladies who guested at the Today show who collected these dolls. One lady don't have kids and she treat her dolls like her own baby. I believe those dolls is cost a thousand dollars an up. It is an expensive dolls indeed.



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Allison said...

I heard about these when watching The Soup on E!. Of course he was making fun of them, but they looked so real and amazing!

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