Our DD Got Colds

This is a very late post. Our DD had a bad colds last week of January and so I brought her to the doctor. I was worried of her nasal discharge which is not clear but instead kinda yellowish one then she started coughing. The doctor told me that looks like she has allergy since it kept coming back. She was prescribed a medication that suppresses cough and also to help ease the nasal discharge. Good thing though she didn't have fever whatsoever. I bought Mucinex for kids as what the Pharmacist helped me out at the drugstore. For just three days of taking the meds the colds and cough was gone. She is now free from it.

I am glad that when we go for Pedia visits our DD is so well behave. She know what is expected of her. So when the nurse will call us she immediately followed her. When the nurse told her to stand on the scale and the measuring board for the height she obliged wight away. One thing she like is when the nurse take her blood pressure and Oxygen level. She will offer her hands and finger right away. This is why when her Pedia sees her he'll always tell her that she's the most cooperative little girl he met :-)



StaLira said...

get well, DD!

Raquel said...

maayo kay imong gidala sa doctor mads. si hubby lagi maski gi sip-on ra ang mga bata, iya dayon dalhon sa pedia kay delicado daw sa ilang lungs ang sip-on. i'm glad dd is ok na. smart girl jud mads kay kabalo na sya sa routine inig naa mo sa pedia. cooperative jud.

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