Labor Experience with DD#2, Part 1

Friday, April 9, I had my 38 weeks prenatal check and was told I was 3cm dilated and 75% effaced. On Monday morning I felt the contraction more often but still far apart but I saw a streak of pink tinge in my discharge. My friend C suggested I stay at their place for the night in case I will go into labor. On Monday night we stayed at their place. DD1 wanted to go home when we were about to sleep but I was able to talk her down.

Tuesday morning we went home and decided to stay at home since there's no blood show again and I still can move and do things around. When I woke up at 4:30am Wednesday to use the bathroom, there's the blood show again and it's very visible. I called my friend and she told me to call our other friend K to drive me to the hospital. I told her I will call the hospital's L&D first before going. I did called told them what's going on. I was told to time in my contraction and if it's 5-7 min apart and lasts for 30-60 seconds then I have to come in.

I told my friend C that K can watch the kids who are not going to school and she can drive me to the hospital. Friend F will be the one to bring the older kids to school and back home. My friends kept asking me if I want to go to the hospital already. I told them I'll wait until 8am to go to the hospital since the contraction was still around 10-20 min apart.

At passed 8am, with my friends coaxing, I decided to just go ahead to the hospital. I was already pre-admitted there and so they just ask few things. Then I went in to their observation room to check baby's heartbeat, contraction and then a midwife came in to do internal exam. The cervix was already 6cm dilated and completely thinned out and -2 station. The contraction was becoming intense. Hubby called me while I was in the exam room. I also tried calling my family back in Philippines but there was no answer from them. At around 10am I was told they're keeping me at the hospital and will move to labor and delivery and we'll have the baby out that day.

At 11am I moved to L&D. The nurse assigned to me was of Filipino descent and she's very nice. A doctor came in around 11:41am to ask me about my birth plan. If I want medication for pain and explain to me risks and complications in giving birth. I planned having epidural just like when I had our DD1.

To be continued....



Gorgeous MUM said...

Oh, you're welcoming another daughter! Hope you had a safe and good delivery. Can't wait to see the new princess!

Take care!

Dorothy Rimson said...

Quite a serious situation it was...

Gorgeous MUM said...

From a loving Mum to another . . . Have a gorgeous Mother's Day!

Raquel said...

aw, ang bitin naman sa update. dawbi wala pa kaabot si hubby pag panganak nimo? more update mads.

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