Labor Experience with DD#2, Part 2

Wow! Took me so long to continue my labor experience. But anyways, here it goes...

The anesthesiologist came passed 1pm. He asked me if I want the epidural and I said yes. He went out to get the machine and other paraphernalia. When he came back he asked me to get up and position myself. I got up and bend so my spine will be exposed. But suddenly the urge to push is so intense that I told the nurse I feel like pushing and epidural will be useless anyway. So it was stopped and then the midwife, nurses and OB-Gyne came to the room so I can start pushing without the epidural.

I thought I can't do it but our DD2 came out at 2:39pm. She's 7.4lbs and 18 inches long. Compared to my first, it was way more shorter labor than with DD1.The first one was 16 hours total from the time I checked in but this second only five hours. I was very glad that I did not have epidural because I was able to stand up without any hassle after almost two hours from giving birth.

My friend C was the one who accompanied me the whole time. At 4pm I was transferred to my room and C went home. I was left alone with DD2 from Wednesday night until Friday at the hospital. I was glad there was no complication and I only have two primary stitches. I didn't have a hard time getting up and down from the hospital bed, tending to our DD2's needs and going to the bathroom. If I need to use the loo I have to roll the bassinet with me coz it's not a good idea leaving your baby in the room even if there's only the two of you.

I would say that despite the absence of my husband and someone who can help me out at the hospital while staying there, I was able to manage and did not let self pity or loneliness affect me. It is just the circumstance that I don't have family around that can help me all out and hubby is thousands of miles away. Everything went smoothly. Me and baby are healthy so we were able to be discharged on Friday, April 16.



Raquel said...

Wow, what a nice experienced you had mads. Wish ko lang dili mag epidural para ma experience pod na ko ang natural birth pero grabe man jud kasakit. Maayo tong imo ba kay timing pag abot sa anesthesiologist. Maayo pod kay naka save ka sa PF niya.

Asa man si DD1 pag labor nimo mads? Kinsa ang nag babysit niya?

Raquel said...

Congratulations diay mads. Healthy ug himsog kau imong baby.

""rarejonRez"" said...

kanindot diay sa imong labor bless, quick ra kaayo. i hope ing-ana pud akoa sa next pregnancy oi! kay traumatized pa baya kaayo ko sa kasakit sa kay triz. hahaha.

ma-imagine naku imong pag-inusara bless, pero ok ra man japon. I know God was with you the whole time. tawon, atong pamilya sa pinas, ginhawa ra nga makatabang. aron oi lami na imong life, duha na imong mga little darlings!

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