Our genes picked up from our parents includes a not so good dental consequence. We are 4 girls in the family and we all have dentures or we call it false teeth as well as tooth fillings. I have mines since I was in high school. Having this dentures really can put you in a most embarrassing moment. I don't only experience once but ample times where I was put in a very awkward position, including to falling off of my denture if I laugh too much, once it sticked into the sandwich while eating out. My recent awkward moment was when I was working from my previous job. I was having my lunch at work when the filling of my upper molar broke and lost. My manager told me to use Dentemp OS to temporarily seal the hole and prevent the pain. It does work. I was so amazed how quick it alleviated the pain.
Dentemp OS is guaranteed temporary dental repair. It is easy to use with no mixing and mess-free, gives fast action to relieve pain and discomfort, replaces lost fillings and cement loose crowns, developed by a Dentist and it's fully FDA approved. So if you have any dental problems, get quick temporary fix with Dentemp OS, your dental first aid!
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